(Click here for the KZ750 Twins Manuals page, or here for the KZ305/KZ250 Manuals page)
New Original Printed Manual – KZ400
Of course they can be had from eBay and other similar places, but my favorite service manuals in the world can also still be bought DIRECTLY from Kawasaki. Do yourself a favor and get the original before you look into other aftermarket manual vendors if you can…:
- The Kawasaki Service Manual for the ’74-’77 KZ400 (D & S), Part #99997-710-06, $36.96 (shipping included!)
Click here to buy directly from Kawasaki
Manuals In Digital Formats – KZ400
A note about these files: Some of these links for the manuals (especially for the larger files) are to an external storage repository (WordPress.com, actually) that behaves a bit strangely. It seems that the file download might take forever (like minutes or so) to start, but then starts downloading at a pretty good rate. I hope it works for you. I have tested it and it seems to work well for me….
- This manual was donated by gotwake5 from the KTOF (thanks!). It is an updated scanned PDF for the KZ400, and is searchable in Acrobat; so you can press CNTRL+F or CMD+F on a mac, and search for a word, i.e Air Screw, or Float Height, and it searches the entire document for those words. Link 1, Link2. WARNING: this files is about 30MB, so don’t just click on it directly; make sure to right-click and choose “Save As…” or you will likely get an application error.
hey man im stuck on this clutch on this 79 kz400 I opurchased a few months ago. I went to change the handle bars, got too excited and heard a pop down in the engine somewhere. I checked the clutch cable, which was still intact. ppl are saying some 3/8 bearing popped out so I went and bought one now the sprocket case wont go back on with the bearing in there. any advice? im missing out on riding time and I really want to avoid a shop. THANKS!
Justin P.
@Jusrtin P
Wow. Lot of missing information in your story, and I just want to warn you that a “blog” like this might not be the best place to get good answers, so make sure to head over to the various forums I list on this site.
But about the bearing… it would only have popped out if you had removed the side cover first, and pulled the pushrod out. I lost mine once, it rolled across the floor and into oblivion. But it just wouldn’t pop out otherwise. So I’m betting you have two ball bearings in there now. And I’m betting the “pop” you heard originally when tweaking the bars was the cable in the clutch cable end holder, inside the cover. But that’s a WILD guess.
Good luck man, maybe someone else has ideas…?